Who We Are

The Innocuous team is world-class, and our reputation in the security industry is legendary.

Our team has successfully penetrated, evaluated and helped secure all United States Department of Defense (USDOD) command and control installations worldwide, classified and unclassified USDOD networks and many USDOD core disciplines. We have provided world-class offensive security (“hacking”) instruction to every US federal law enforcement agency, every US intelligence service and every branch of the US military.

Our deep background in security encompasses physical and information security in many government, military and Fortune 500 verticals including education, retail, financial services, and healthcare. Our specific areas of expertise include: Physical security assessment, penetration testing, systems vulnerability and infrastructure analysis, formal risk assessment, risk mitigation and remediation, defensive systems security planning, infrastructure development and deployment, security testing and evaluation planning, disaster recovery and continuity of operations planning.

Benjamin Huey, CEO

Benjamin Huey is a 30-year Information Security and ethical hacking veteran. He has leveraged his skills for various federal agencies, the United States military, the US Department of Defense (DoD), a variety of “three and four-letter” intelligence agencies and a plethora of Fortune 100 companies.

He spent decades designing, implementing, deploying, and maintaining numerous secure large-scale infrastructures for many industries including retail, education, healthcare, and all things in between.

Benjamin has gone hands-on with just about every type of technology but has a particular passion for wireless radio frequency technologies, having designed and implemented some of the largest radio frequency networks on our great magnetic earth.

Benjamin specializes in protecting client networks. As a “white hat” hacker, he has conducted hundreds of large-scale cyber warfare campaigns designed to emulate the relentless aggressions of world-class adversaries. Along the way, he sleuths out misconfigurations and vulnerabilities on his client’s networks and systems and creates an exacting and detailed roadmap of remediations that will lock down and protect their confidential data, assets, and resources.

Johnny Long, CTO

Although the job of breaking into buildings and bypassing computer security systems sounds like the stuff of Hollywood movies, Johnny has made a career of just that. A professional hacker, prolific author, public speaker, reluctant celebrity, former US government Top Secret clearance holder and 30-year veteran of the Information Security industry, Johnny has wielded real-world attacks against hundreds of US government, military and Fortune 100 companies, uncovering and exploiting security weaknesses in the world’s most secure facilities and networks.

Beyond the cloak-and-dagger world of emulated espionage, Johnny’s role as a security researcher and founder of the non-profit “Hackers For Charity” group keeps Johnny firmly on the right side of the law, continually empowering unique groups of the Internet’s most elite “good guys”.

Johnny successfully penetrated, evaluated and helped secure all United States Department of Defense (DoD) command and control installations internationally including USCENTCOM, USPACOM, USSOUTHCOM, USNORTHCOM, USSPACECOM and other various unnamed US Government facilities. He successfully penetrated, evaluated and helped secure The United States DoD classified Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) and the Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet).

He served as a technical consultant for extremely high-profile DoD forensics and network intrusion analysis efforts based out of the Pentagon, served as an offensive security trainer to US embassies worldwide (with a special focus on the Middle East and Africa) as part of the US State Department’s Anti-Terrorism Assistance (ATA) program and successfully penetrated, evaluated and helped secure physical and network security systems of many Fortune 10 and Fortune 100 organizations.

Johnny was a co-founder and founding instructor of the US Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center. He taught offensive security tactics to FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Military Intelligence, Air Force Information Warfare Center agents, and technical members of the NSA, NASA and DoD.

Johnny is a prolific author, co-author and technical editor of over a dozen best-selling Information Security books including: Google Hacking for Penetration Testers, Aggressive Network Self-Defense, INFOSEC Career Hacking, Stealing the Network: How to Own the Identity, OS X For Hackers At Heart, Penetration Tester’s Open Source Toolkit, Google Talking, Stealing the Network: How to Own a Shadow, Techno Security’s Guide to Managing Risks, Asterisk Hacking, Google Hacking for Penetration Testers, Second Edition, TechnoSecurity’s Guide to E-Discovery and Digital Forensics, No-Tech Hacking (Introduction by Kevin Mitnick), Kali Linux Revealed: Mastering the Penetration Testing Distribution.