Cybersecurity Roadmap

Cybersecurity Roadmap

The threat landscape can be overwhelming. But we can help you navigate it with confidence. Follow our proven path to reduce your risk and minimize your exposure.

The threat landscape can be overwhelming. But we can help you navigate it with confidence.

The field of cybersecurity can be quite challenging. Constantly emerging threats, complex technologies, and the need to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals make it a formidable journey.

We can help. Through decades of experience, we’ve identified a few key factors that can significantly reduce your risk, including focused testing and the implementation of proactive and reactive defense systems.

We’ll do all the heavy lifting. Here’s an overview of our process.

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing reveals flaws in your networks and systems.

Penetration Testing

The journey begins with a penetration test. We’ll run through our proprietary arsenal to safely launch hundreds of thousands of attacks against your systems and networks to emulate the tactics of an adversary. When we find a vulnerability we’ll leverage it to escalate our privileges in an attempt to take over the target system. This process reveals complex, intricate flaws in your networks and systems.

We document our findings and guide you through the steps required to fix any issues, hardening your systems against future attack. We can even fix the vulnerabilities for you if you need us to.

Web Application Testing

Web Application Testing

Web application testing reveals flaws in your web applications.

Web Application Testing

A penetration test highlights vulnerabilities in operating system software, third-party applications and network configuration settings. However, if you’re running a custom web application, we should dig into the code through web application testing to find buried vulnerabilities undiscoverable through a penetration test.

These code and logic flaws create vulnerabilities adversaries can leverage to steal data or subvert and manipulate your applications. We’ll detect these vulnerabilities and provide a detailed list of remediations designed to help lock down your code and reduce the risk of exploitation.

Reactive Defense Services

Reactive Defense

Reactive defense protects against active threats to your servers, laptops, desktops and mobile devices.

Reactive Defense

Testing isn’t enough. Our Ultimate Defense system detects and blocks threats, harmful web links and phishing attempts against all servers, desktops, laptops and mobile devices in real time. Attackers can infiltrates these devices to not only steal data from that machine, but also “leapfrog” to other systems, compromising your entire organization. They may try to leverage malware or ransomware, but our system works to keep it from spreading and cleans up any potential damage without user intervention. Additionally, our exclusive military-grade Ultimate RF defense system protects against a multitude of wireless system threats in environments that leverage advanced wireless services.

To keep up with emerging threats, we use an Artificial Intelligence system to detect unknown threats based on threat data coalesced from tens of thousands of installed defense systems worldwide. In addition, our threat defense team can monitor each of your systems 24/7/365 to ensure that potential threats are analyzed and mitigated by human threat operators, providing ultimate coverage.

Proactive Defense Services

Proactive Defense

Proactive defense protects against passive threats to your servers, laptops, desktops and mobile devices.

Proactive Defense

The next level, proactive defense, focuses on future threats against your systems and networks. We analyze every application on every system to locate latent application vulnerabilities that hackers are actively exploiting in the wild. We provide a rundown of which applications need to be updated or removed to prevent exploitation. This is a critical defense phase because these latent vulnerabilities are undiscoverable through traditional testing and not covered by operating system security patches. And we do all this while protecting the user’s privacy.

Additionally, we can conduct social engineering and phishing exercises (via email/SMS/telephone) to detect and repair the “human” vulnerabilities adversaries love to exploit.



No matter what you’re facing, we’re here to help. 

Information Security Support

Beyond our offensive and defensive service offerings, we’re here to support you with a variety of services including:

  • Remediation support: We’ll help you install system patches, fix vulnerabilities or lock down your systems.
  • Incident Response: We’re here if you ever need immediate assistance. We know what to do — quickly — to get you back in business.
  • Digital Forensics: Our digital forensics experts help you protect you — and help track down the bad guys. We can help you determine what happened, when it happened, who did it, and even prepare you for litigation support.